Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour - "You Always Have a Party" (Commercial, 1980)
Here's a commercial for Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour, a "totally wacko" place for kids 6 to 14 "or right in between".
This spot really brought back memories. A birthday party at Farrell's was a major thrill when I was about 5 years old.
I remember there was a Farrell's inside North Riverside Mall - I wonder when it closed?
I remember there was a Simpson's episode where Moe the Bartender opened up an Ice Cream Parlour for kids and whoever wrote the episode must have been referencing Farrell's because they had so many things down to a T.
Voiceover by ??
"When DeeAnn had her 8th birthday party at Farrell's, even the Beasley brothers had fun."
This aired on local Washington, D.C. TV on Tuesday, April 8th 1980 during the 5:00pm to 6:00pm (Eastern) timeframe.
Date Uploaded: 01/17/2017
Tags: 1980s Kids' Commericals
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Dth1971 01/18/2017 Reply
There were also Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor locations in the state of Illinois besides North Riverside, IL.:
Woodfield Mall (Schaumburg, IL.)
Ford City Mall (Chicago, IL.)
Northwoods Mall (Peoria, IL.)
Chris In Texas 01/19/2017 Reply
We had several Farrell's here in the Houston area; my sister worked at one near NASA. Nonstop noise and fun for everyone - she loved every minute of it!
W.B. 01/19/2017 Reply
I never, in my life, saw a Farrell's, let alone ever been in one (especially when I was in the age range cited in this ad). Were there any in the New York metro area?