Superstation WTBS Channel 17 - Movie 17 - "Don't Look in the Basement" (Opening with Alternate Title Slide, 1980)
Here's the opening moments of the Movie 17 presentation of "Don't Look in the Basement" [reissue title for the 1973 horror film "The Forgotten"] on Superstation WTBS Channel 17 in Atlanta, GA, which aired all over the country via cable and satellite. Includes:
Partial opening Movie 17 title sequence, with voiceover (by ??) announcing film
Opening sequence of film, with reissue title (set in Bolt Bold) and credits some eight minutes into the movie
This aired on local Atlanta TV (and transmitted to Chicago via cable) on Friday, October 31st 1980.
Date Uploaded: 04/15/2017
Tags: 1980s Local Movie Shows
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