NBC Network - "Proud As A Peacock" (Promo, 1980)
Here's a neat promo for the NBC Network with their "NBC Proud as a Peacock" jingle. Features clips from:
B.J. and the Bear, Sheriff Lobo, Harper Valley PTA, Diff'rent Strokes, CHiPS, Here's Boomer, Real People, Speak Up America (?), The Thursday Games, Sanford and Son, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Hill Street Blues, Little House on the Prairie, The Wonderful World of Disney, B.J. and the Bear, Quincy, and The Facts of Life.
I know I missed a couple so if you know what they are, chime in please. :-)
This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, July 26th 1980.
Date Uploaded: 10/10/2009
Tags: 1980s WMAQ Channel 5
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