WBBM Channel 2 - The 10 O'Clock News - "Nosferatu" (Ending & Break, 1979)
Here's a partial review of the new version of "Nosferatu" by Gene Siskel on The 10 O'Clock News on WBBM Channel 2, followed by the end of the news, and a post-show commercial break. Includes:
Partial Review of "Nosferatu" (1979) by Gene Siskel including a look at the original version
Commercial: Sears Bank and Trust with Bobby Hull
Commercial: FM 100 - The Music Station - "Mystery Songs Contest"
Commercial: Wool - from The Wool Bureau - "Wool. It's worth more. Naturally."
Ending of The 10 O'Clock News
Commercial: Jewel Food Stores - "Store Within A Store"
Commercial: United Airlines - "Sunbirds to Florida"
WBBM Match Game bumper promo (voiceover by ??)
This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, October 30th 1979.
Date Uploaded: 08/08/2010
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