WFLD Channel 32 - Keyfax Nite-Owl Service - "Tonight!" (Promo #1, 1981)
Direct from 2" Quad - here is a promo for the premiere of Nite-Owl! This one is a 10 second spot, advertising that the program begins that night.
We can hear WFLD director Don Shannon give a quick lead-in before the promo starts. (notice, he accidently calls Keyfax "Telfax")
Voiceover during the promo by Jim Barton.
This promo aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, September 7th 1981.
Date Uploaded: 09/13/2010
Tags: 1980s WFLD Channel 32 Nite-Owl (WFLD Keyfax Nite-Owl Service)
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