WGN Channel 9 - The WGN 8:00 Movie - "A Hard Day's Night" (Opening, 1977)
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Here's the opening of The WGN 8:00 Movie presentation of "A Hard Day's Night" featuring the Beatles, on WGN Channel 9. Also includes a "Last Farewell" animated WGN station ID at the beginning, and a snippet of the beginning of an Imperial margarine ad at the end (voiceover by Peter Thomas).
The opening graphics seen here are the same as those in this example, except in this version we get to see the complete 8:00 Movie title. (perhaps it was left out of the other one because it actually started at 8:30pm?) ;-)
Voiceovers by Carl Greyson.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Wednesday, November 23rd 1977 at 8pm.
Date Uploaded: 06/04/2011
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