CTA Monthly Pass - "Don't Pass It Up" (Commercial, 1980)
Here's a commercial for the CTA Monthly Pass, with a cowboy on the bus (a GM "New Look") "headin' 'em off at the pass" and Chicago Bears players on the "L" who "drop back and throw a pass"; followed by a pretty lady clerk inside one of the over 100 sales locations where CTA monthly passes are sold for just $30.
Featuring local actress Paula Elser as the CTA Booth babe, Stan Adams as the guy in the green hardhat, Karl Schueneman as the tall construction worker with moustache, Pat Egan and the short construction worker, Dionisio as the man on the left in the blue shirt, Chicago Bears quarterback Vince Evans and offensive lineman Dan Jiggetts, Antoinette "Toni" Fleming as lady on the bus with kid, and Jim Parks as the cowboy.
(C) Chicago Transit Authority 1980.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, October 28th 1980.
Date Uploaded: 03/26/2012
Tags: 1980s Local Commercials
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