WTHR Channel 13 - Today (Opening Moments, 1979)

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Here's the opening moments of the Today show with Tom Brokaw and Jane Pauley, as aired on Indianapolis TV. Also featuring reporter Steve Delaney. Includes:

Station ID with promo for Name That Tune at 7:30pm (voiceover by ??)

Opening titles for Today, with Tom Brokaw and Jane Pauley opening the program before Tom goes right into the news of the morning:

- Anti-American demonstrations outside the U.S. Embassy compound in Islamabad, Pakistan, with specifics of the situation filled in by Steve Delaney at the State Department, that is whatever information was on hand at the time, including the burning of the American Cultural Mission in Rawalpindi, and Ayatollah Khomeini blaming a mosque burning in Mecca on "American criminal imperialism and international zionism"; State Department spokesman Hodding Carter to fill reporters in later in the day

- More massive anti-American demonstrations in Teheran, with chants of "Death to the Shah - Death to Carter!"; a clip of these demonstrations is seen briefly, with Tom commenting on the specifics, before the recording cuts out

This aired on local Indianapolis TV on Wednesday, November 21st 1979 at 7am (EST).

Date Uploaded: 10/10/2013

Tags: 1970s   News     


- More massive anti-American demonstrations in Teheran, with chants of "Death to the Shah - Death to Carter!"; a clip of these demonstrations is seen briefly, with Tom commenting on the specifics, before the recording cuts out

This aired on local Indianapolis TV on Wednesday, November 21st 1979 at 7am (EST)." /> Share


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